How Many Units of Botox For Under-Eyes

Botox has been the go-to option for those who want to reduce the appearance of their lines and wrinkles and restore their youthful appearance. When it comes to these signs of aging, even under the eyes are not safe. You may develop lines around the eyes, such as crow’s feet, eye bags, and more. With the accurate unit of botulinum toxin injections, you may bid goodbye to these lines and say hello to bouncier-looking eyes.
So how many units of Botox should you receive under your eyes? Plastic surgeons usually find 8 units per eye sufficient for treating your bags, but the procedure is not yet FDA-approved. It is an off-label use, and there are risks of side effects. For your eyebrow lift, you can get 5 units, 20 units for frown lines, and 12 units for crow’s feet.
With just a few simple injections, our providers can erase your wrinkles and fine lines in no time with Botox. Call us today to book your appointment.
How Many Units of Botox Under Eyes and Nearby Areas
We use units to measure the fixed amount of Botox molecules we need to inflict change on a subject. Using units to measure botulinum toxin molecules allows us to manipulate the substance and achieve desired results. Plastic surgeons are careful when dealing with the area around the eyes because the skin is thin. One wrong move can affect sight. That’s why they are careful with measuring the accurate units, too.
Here are the number of Botox units you need for under the eyes and other areas near it:
1) Under-Eye Area
Most patients request Botox injections under the eyes to remove the dark circle and bagginess at their lower eyelids. The accurate dose and injection of Botox may help reduce your eye bags, but it might not become successful in removing the dark circle.
FDA has not approved Botox treatment under the eyes yet, so this procedure is considered “off-label”. Results from these procedures suggest about 8 Botox units will be enough to reduce the appearance of under-eye wrinkles and even bagginess. However, there are risks of intense side effects.
2) Crow’s Feet
Reducing the appearance of crow’s feet is one of the most popular Botox treatments. The crow’s feet, also called the lateral canthal lines, are the wrinkles that appear at the edge of your eyes. The treatment for crow’s feet needs a total of 12-24 units, but these can depend on you and your plastic surgeon. FDA has approved 12 units per eye, giving you a total of 24 units for both of your eyes.
The expert injector will administer 4 units at 3 injection sites.
3) Frown lines
Also known as the “11s,” we develop forehead wrinkles between our eyes and above our eyebrows. These lines are also called glabellar lines. FDA has approved up to 20 units administered at 5 injection sites, but 12 units injected at 3 sites are usually enough.
4) Eyebrow Lift
Our eyebrows make us look older as they start to droop as we age. The skin in our eyebrow area sags and lines and wrinkles look more prominent. Our eyebrows droop as we move the orbicularis oculi and our glabella muscles. Brow lift treatment with Botox usually needs only 5 units injected at the outer brows.
These are the average units of Botox recommended per eye area, but these numbers may still be subject to change. Plastic surgeons consider many factors before determining the accurate dose for you, so you should seek a board-certified doctor whom you can trust.
How Your Botox Units Are Determined
The unit of Botox per area will still be different among patients. You may need more doses, or you may need less. So what are the other factors that our plastic surgeons consider when determining our unit of Botox? Here are some of the things that we should also consider when preparing for our Botox treatments:
1) Aesthetic Preferences
One thing to consider will also be the look you want to achieve. Some patients prefer a more natural-looking finish by just smoothening out dynamic wrinkles and keeping most of the movement of their muscles. Some patients also choose to erase all their lines and wrinkles and don’t mind little muscle movement.
The units of Botox you will receive depend on your aesthetic goals. Be sure to discuss your preferences closely with your plastic surgeon.
2) Strength of Facial Muscles
Muscle strength will also be a necessary factor in determining the right units of Botox you need. As we make facial movements more frequently, our muscles also become stronger. These will create more prominent facial wrinkles.
Some areas also have stronger facial muscles than others, like our forehead muscles. We develop more prominent forehead lines than other areas because it has stronger facial muscles. Areas like these need more units of Botox.
3) Face Size and Shape
Your face shape and size will also determine the units of Botox you need. You may need more doses to smoothen facial lines if you have a wider forehead.
4) Gender
Men usually have stronger facial muscles and bigger muscle mass. That’s why they usually need more doses to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on their faces.
5) Severity of Wrinkles
Your plastic surgeon will also look closer into the severity of your wrinkles. Deep wrinkles tend to need more units of Botox than others. Your plastic surgeon may also recommend dermal fillers to add volume and fill in the gaps of your wrinkles. The most common severe wrinkles are the horizontal forehead lines, crow’s feet, and more.
6) Metabolism Rate
Metabolism is our body’s process of breaking down our food and transforming it into energy. We all have different levels of metabolism, but why is this relevant, anyway?
Botox usually lasts for about 3-4 months. If you have a fast metabolism, the results of your cosmetic injections may last shorter than others–the same goes for those who lead an active lifestyle. Botox is also a type of protein. Those with a faster metabolism than others may break down Botox faster as it integrates into the body.
What To Expect With the Procedure

If you’re determined to lose those bags and dark shadows with Botox, you must be prepared and know what to expect in the procedure. Some things to expect with the procedure include its effectiveness, possible side effects, cost, and longevity, among others. To ensure best results, make it a point to follow the provider’s instructions for you.
1) Effectiveness
Since Botox cosmetic treatments under the eyes are not FDA-approved, they are still considered “off-label” use in the U.S. We only have a few studies to show if the cosmetic procedure can really remove eye wrinkles and bagginess. However, they already show promising results.
According to a study, Botox may restore the youthful appearance under your eyes and make your lower eyelids look fuller if you receive injections as an extension to the crow’s feet area. It may reduce under-eye wrinkles and bagginess.
Participants who have injected Botox in their crow’s feet area and lower eyelids had more satisfying results than patients who opted to receive only in the lower eyelids. 8 units of Botox also showed more noticeable results, but the procedure also has extreme side effects.
You can also try other alternative treatments for improving your under-eyes. A place to start is with your lifestyle:
- Get about 7-8 hours of sleep every night
- Sleep with your head elevated slightly for the fluid to flow throughout your body, not just under your eyes
- Observe a healthy diet and avoid excessive sodium–this will cause water retention in the body, which will make your skin more puffy and bloated.
- Stop smoking
- Take antihistamine for your allergies
Try applying eye creams to resolve puffiness in the eyes. Eye creams with caffeine may be more helpful because they can reduce your puffiness and tighten the skin. You can also explore your treatment options with dermal fillers as it may reduce dark shadows and wrinkles.
2) Possible Side Effects
Botox injections under the eyes have risks of side effects. Only a few studies exist about this procedure, so this information can still develop. As our under-eyes can be very sensitive, here are some of the risks for injecting Botox:
- Numbness in the eyes
- Droopiness of the eyes
- Swelling lower eyelid
- Difficulty in closing the eyes
3) How Much It Costs
The cost of Botox for your under-eyes may vary depending on the location and the units you will receive. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a unit of Botox costs about $10 to $15. Consult with cosmetic professionals in your area and compare their rates.
4) How Long It Lasts
Botox generally lasts for about 3-4 months, but it can also go for as long as 4-6 months. It may also not last long, and you may enjoy the results for just 2 months. First-timers usually experience shorter results with their Botox but will last longer in the succeeding treatments.
Schedule A Consultation at aNu Aesthetics
Botox cosmetic treatment under the eyes may only have a few studies to testify its effectiveness, but they show positive results with 8 units so far. Getting this procedure has risks of side effects, which is why you need to seek a trusted plastic surgeon who can deliver accurate doses at precise injection techniques. Look for cosmetic professionals who will take care of you even after the procedure.
Here at aNu Aesthetics, our priority is you. We put first your safety, comfort, and preferences. Our team is composed of board-certified plastic surgeons and highly-trained practitioners who can deliver the utmost service for you. If your puffy eye bags and dark circles have been troubling you, we have a wide range of options for you. Book a consultation with us today.
With just a few simple injections, our providers can erase your wrinkles and fine lines in no time with Botox. Call us today to book your appointment.