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How Many Units of Botox Are Needed for Sweaty Hands Treatment?

Sweaty hands can be embarrassing to deal with, but they can also impact your performance at work and other daily tasks. If you’re sick of having to constantly wipe your hands, you can look into Botox treatments to help you resolve the issue. Botox is used for a variety of conditions and is safe and approved worldwide.

So how many units of Botox are needed for sweaty hands? The exact number depends on the severity of the patient’s complaints, but most start with 50 per hand. To sustain the effects of the Botox procedure, the surgeon may also ask you to make lifestyle changes. 

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Number of Botox Units for Sweaty Hands Treatment

Sweaty palms are a form of focal hyperhidrosis—a condition where people sweat excessively on a specific body part. Treatment for focal hyperhidrosis involves combining topical agents, home remedies, and medical therapies. Using botulinum toxin or Botox is one of the methods used for long-term relief. For maximum effectiveness, Botox treatments are spaced out in intervals.

Recommended Number of Botox Units 

Many doctors start with 50 Botox units per hand for the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis. This serves as the starting dose for patients who have had no prior medical treatments. The patient will be observed for 14 days before any additional injections. It’s important for the healthcare provider to check for adverse reactions, particularly in the hand muscles. A smaller dose of Botox minimizes the side effects for first-timers.

Depending on how the body responds, the dose may be increased to 80 units per hand. In extreme cases, some patients may need as many as 120 Botox units for each palm. Some patients will notice an improvement after 2 to 4 weeks from the start of your treatment cycle. Long-term effects usually peak at 6 to 7 months after the first injection. If effective, your doctor may recommend Botox injection as a routine procedure for your palmar hyperhidrosis. 

What to Expect from the Botox Procedure

Botox injections are a simple and non-invasive procedure. These can be done directly from the doctor’s office. To make the process faster, your doctor may ask you to wear a short-sleeved top. You will also be asked to disclose any underlying medical conditions. If you’re taking blood thinners, make sure to notify your doctor right away. The medications you’re taking will also allow the doctor to decide how many units to use for your first injection. 

A typical injection procedure lasts for 20 to 30 minutes. The target areas will first be marked with ink before the specialist injects the Botox directly under the skin surface. Most patients need around 15 to 20 injections for each hand. To make the procedure less painful, you may receive a local anesthetic. 

You will be asked to return for a follow-up consultation. Follow-ups are usually done at least 2 weeks after the injection. You will be asked about side effects and any improvements you noticed in your hands since receiving Botox. The rest of your injections may use fewer or more Botox units, depending on the impact on your muscles. 

Injections for palmar hyperhidrosis are similar to Botox cosmetic treatment, which is used for other conditions like frown lines, dynamic wrinkles, and spasticity. If you recently received a Botox injection for other concerns, make sure to notify your doctor. They may postpone the procedure to allow your body room to breathe from the botulinum toxin. 

Recovery and Aftercare

Patients can go home right after the procedure. The treatment area may feel a bit sore in the first few days. You may use an ice pack to help relieve pain and swelling. Additionally, avoid applying cosmetic products on your hands for at least a day to prevent skin irritation. Strenuous physical activities and hot baths should also be avoided for 24 to 48 hours. 

While side effects are rare, it helps to know what adverse reactions can arise from treatment. If you experience debilitating side effects, such as vision problems or difficulty breathing, notify your doctor right away. Besides the usual swelling and irritation, side effects include the following:

  • Slight bleeding
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Hand muscle weakness

Some people are also allergic to Botox, which may lead to flu-like symptoms. If you notice any signs of infection around the injection site, tell your doctor right away. Although very rare, Botulism may occur in patients whose bodies interact negatively with Clostridium botulinum (the bacteria that produced Botox). 

Other Tips to Get Rid of Sweaty Hands

Besides Botox treatments, there are other methods you can try to lessen sweaty hands. If you want to use home remedies to complement your Botox treatments, there are a few household items that can help provide short-term relief.

1) Home Remedies for Instant Relief

There are many kitchen items you could use to reduce sweaty hands. A common example is baking soda. While it’s also used as a low-cost solution for teeth whitening, baking soda is also effective as an antiperspirant and deodorant. Its alkaline properties help lessen sweating and odor. Just mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda and rub it on your hands to create a paste. Rub the solution over your hands for at least 5 minutes, then rinse. 

You can also use organic apple cider vinegar for relief. The vinegar helps balance the body’s pH levels and relax an overactive sweat gland. Directly apply it to your palms before going to bed. Leaving it overnight helps maximize the effects. You may also incorporate apple cider vinegar into your drinks. Adding 2 tablespoons to water or juice can help reduce excessive sweating.

Sage leaves are another home remedy you can use for hand sweating. You may boil them into a tea or crush them and use them as a garnish for meals. You can also make a dried sage packet and wrap it around your hand for sweat absorption. The safe leaves have properties that reduce sweat, oil, and body odor. 

2) Lifestyle Modifications to Complement Botox Therapy

Switching up your daily routine can also complement your Botox therapy. You may increase the number in a day to improve symptoms of hyperhidrosis. Wearing more breathable clothes can also allow your body to regulate its sweat output more easily. 

Your doctor may also prescribe a topical antiperspirant for use in the hands. Make sure to notify your provider before trying any over-the-counter products. Some formulations may cause side effects, such as redness and skin irritation. Avoiding spicy food can also help with balancing the body’s pH level. Additionally, low-impact exercises like yoga may help the body relax and reduce its sweat output.

3) Routine Medical Check-Ups

Depending on a person’s lifestyle and medical history, hyperhidrosis can either be primary or secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis can manifest without a clear cause. Experts say that it can come from genetic factors or nervous system issues. 

Secondary hyperhidrosis is connected with other conditions. It’s important to consult with a doctor about your sweaty hands. Besides pursuing Botox treatment, medical check-ups will allow you to rule out underlying conditions. Excessive sweating may be a sign of an undiagnosed disorder. Disorders that may cause sweaty hands include the following:

  • Hypoglycemia
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Bacterial infections 

If sweating is linked to underlying medical issues, you may experience other symptoms. If you notice chills, headaches, fatigue, or fever, contact your doctor right away. Medical screening can rule out major diseases like diabetes and Parkinson’s. The doctor may also talk to you about pursuing additional treatment besides Botox. 

Get Rid of Sweaty Hands With Treatments From aNu Aesthetics

Botox treatment at aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness

Sweaty hands are more than just an annoyance. They can impact your work performance and social life. Pursuing Botox treatments and lifestyle modifications can help you keep the condition under control, but you need a capable provider to assist you with your journey. 

If home remedies aren’t working, then it may be time to look into Botox. aNu Aesthetics can help you weigh all of your options for sweaty hands treatment. If you have any questions about Botox work—including side effects, cost, and aftercare, don’t hesitate to message us at

Say Goodbye To Your Wrinkles and Fine Lines

With just a few simple injections, our providers can erase your wrinkles and fine lines in no time with Botox. Call us today to book your appointment.


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