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Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT): The Innovative Pain Management Solution

Discover the life-changing potential of pain relief through Perineural Injection Therapy at aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness


Living with chronic pain can be an exhausting and frustrating experience, but there is hope on the horizon. 

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) is an innovative treatment that has been transforming the lives of those who have tried it.

Read on as we delve into the world of PIT, exploring its inner workings and the reasons why aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness is the ideal place to experience this cutting-edge therapy. 

Understanding Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT)

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) is a groundbreaking treatment for chronic pain caused by nerve inflammation, neuropathic pain, and nerve entrapment. 

Developed by Dr. John Lyftogt, PIT seeks to both diagnose and treat the cause of pain as nerve inflammation. It cannot treat causes of pain due to other issues, and for that reason it is very quick and accurate for diagnosing nerve-related pain. 

It involves administering subcutaneous injections of a dextrose solution to target the root cause of pain and promote nerve regeneration. 

Unlike prolotherapy and neural therapy, PIT is more like acupuncture with dextrose. It is able to provide immediate, and long-lasting pain relief by applying a very superficial treatment to the painful area. There is no invasive or deep joint or skin injection. And because only a solution of dextrose is used, there is no risk of an allergic or adverse reaction. All nerves have receptors for glucose, which they use to calm down inflammation. Thus PIT can provide pain relief for people who have tried other treatments, even surgery, without success.

Some key points about PIT:

  • Uses sterile, buffered 5% dextrose injections at tender points.
  • Developed over 15 years, used on thousands with good results and safety.
  • May decrease pain 50-70% for most, with some function improvement.
  • Does not necessarily eliminate pain completely but aims to improve quality of life.
  • No treatment also carries risks of ongoing pain, worsening condition and decreased ability.
  • 2-8 treatments are often needed for maximum relief.
  • Physically focused, does not use medications, surgery or other interventions.
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How Does PIT Work?

PIT works by targeting the source of pain—nerve inflammation, which often results from nerves becoming trapped in very tight muscles and fascia, or swollen from rubbing over bony surfaces.  

When nerves become inflamed, they normally use glucose to decrease their swelling. When they run out of glucose, they remain swollen, and start sending pain signals, which can turn into numbness and tingling as well. 

PIT uses dextrose (which is glucose) to give the nerves what they are missing, to immediately stop their inflammation, and thus their pain signals. This is not a palliative treatment. We are simply restoring the pool of glucose the nerves need to treat themselves. Over time, this pool is restored and the nerves are once again able to heal themselves.

Over time, this treatment can lead to significant pain relief and improved function for patients suffering from chronic pain.

Alternatives to Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT)

Many people in pain have already tried several modalities, sadly without success. Some indications that a nerve may be the cause of the pain rather than something else are (might put them in bullet points): a chiropractic adjustment was only helpful for a few minutes, and then the pain returned; a massage only felt good while receiving it, then the pain returned soon after; a massage did not provide any relief, it actually hurt; surgery may not have helped the pain at all or minimally; CT and MRI show no nerves affected (these nerves treated by PIT are very small tendrils and are not visible on imaging); and physical therapy minimally helped the pain.

Doing nothing would allow pain and possible condition worsening to continue unabated, decreasing function and quality of life over time. While avoiding treatment risks, ongoing pain likely far outweighs benefits of this approach.

Physical therapy and osteopathic/chiropractic adjustments aim to improve mobility and function through manual techniques and targeted exercises. Benefits could include pain relief, increased range of motion and strength. However, these are time-consuming, repetitive and provide no guarantee of effect for the condition. They also lack the targeted, minimally invasive focus of PIT.

Pharmaceutical pain management uses medication to block pain signals, reduce inflammation and alter perception or mood. Side effects are common and potential for addiction, organ damage or other health issues increase with long-term use or high doses. Benefits are also limited and pain may not be addressed at its source. Medication manages rather than eliminates the underlying problem.

Surgery is an invasive option usually reserved for severe, progressive or life-threatening conditions. While it could provide a more lasting fix, risks include infection, blood clots, permanent damage, injury and an often long, difficult recovery process. Surgery is disproportionately aggressive for some conditions and pain level.

Alternatives to PIT are less targeted, more invasive or risky, provide no guarantee of improved function or reduced medication reliance and fail to address the underlying issue with the level of focus and minimalism that PIT does. They manage rather than actively work to resolve the problem causing the pain and limitations.

PIT, on the other hand, takes a physically-focused, minimally invasive approach. It targets the specific nerves, joints and muscles implicated in pain and reduces inflammation/swelling to relieve pressure and stabilize the area. 

By improving mobility and addressing the source of the problem, PIT aims to decrease pain levels, increase function and improve quality of life – potentially allowing reduced reliance on other treatments. 

Common Applications of PIT

Perineural Injection Therapy can be used to treat various types of chronic pain, including:

  • Nerve inflammation
    • PIT can help reduce inflammation around nerves, allowing for improved function and pain relief.
  • Neuropathic pain
    • This type of pain, often caused by nerve damage, can be effectively managed with PIT.
  • Nerve entrapment
    • Conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, where nerves become compressed or trapped, can benefit from the hydrodissection technique used in PIT.
  • Neuralgia
    • PIT can help alleviate pain caused by irritated or damaged nerves.
  • Connective tissue disorders
    • By targeting the connective tissue surrounding nerves, PIT can help alleviate pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome.
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Why Choose PIT for Pain Management?

Perineural Injection Therapy offers several advantages over traditional pain management techniques, such as nerve blocks or medications:


PIT involves small injections beneath the skin, avoiding the need for more invasive procedures.

Minimal side effects

The dextrose solution used in PIT is safe and typically causes NO side effects.

Long-lasting pain relief

When using PIT to diagnose the cause of pain, patients will feel relief of pain and/or significantly improved range of motion within 2-5 minutes! Thus we know the treatment will be effective, the cause has been found, and patients can know that they will be able to experience significant pain relief after just a few PIT sessions, with lasting results. 

Targeted treatment

PIT directly targets the source of pain, offering more effective and focused pain relief than other treatments.
Experience pain relief through Perineural Injection Therapy at aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness

Debunking Common Myths: Addressing Misconceptions About Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT)

When considering a new treatment for chronic pain, it’s natural to encounter doubts and misconceptions. 

In this section, we’ll address some common myths about Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) and provide factual information to help you make an informed decision.

Myth 1: PIT is the same as other injection therapies like prolotherapy or neural therapy.

Fact: While PIT shares some similarities with other injection therapies, it has distinct differences. PIT specifically targets nerve inflammation using a dextrose solution and focuses on hydrodissection of connective tissue to alleviate pain. 

In contrast, prolotherapy and neural therapy target different aspects of pain such as weak tendons and ligaments and involve different techniques. They utilize deeper joint injections with dextrose, lidocaine and B12. They seek to strengthen structures other than the nerves and will not help pain caused by swollen nerves.

Myth 2: PIT is only a temporary solution for pain relief.

Fact: Many patients experience long-lasting pain relief after undergoing PIT treatment. The therapy targets the root cause of pain—nerve inflammation—and promotes nerve regeneration and tissue repair, leading to lasting improvements in pain and function.

Myth 3: PIT is a painful and invasive treatment.

Fact: PIT involves small, subcutaneous injections and is considered a minimally invasive procedure. Most patients report minimal discomfort during the treatment, and any pain experienced typically subsides quickly.

Myth 4: PIT is not supported by scientific research.

Fact: Numerous scientific studies have shown promising results in support of PIT’s effectiveness for chronic pain management. 

As mentioned earlier in this article, research has demonstrated significant improvements in pain and function in patients who have undergone PIT treatment.

Myth 5: PIT is only suitable for specific types of chronic pain.

Fact: PIT is a versatile treatment option that can address various types of chronic pain, including nerve inflammation, neuropathic pain, nerve entrapment, and neuralgia. 

It can be customized to meet the individual needs of each patient, making it a viable option for many people struggling with chronic pain.

By debunking these myths and misconceptions, we hope to provide you with a clearer understanding of Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) and its potential benefits. 

If you’re interested in exploring PIT as a treatment option, the experienced team at aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness is ready to guide you on your journey toward pain relief.

Unlocking the Power of PIT: Scientific Studies Revealing the Effectiveness of Perineural Injection Therapy

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) has shown promising results in various scientific studies. 

One study found that PIT is an effective approach to managing chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). 

The study discovered that PIT combined with standard postoperative TKA protocols resulted in significant improvements in pain and function, as evaluated by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores. 

PIT was found to be a simple, secure, and cost-effective approach with minimal side effects and higher clinical efficacy. 

The study also reported that 93.5% of patients who received PIT reported excellent or good outcomes compared to 89.6% of patients who received standard postoperative TKA protocols.

Another pilot randomized clinical trial aimed to evaluate the efficacy of PIT combined with a home physical therapy program in patients with chondromalacia patella compared to a control group receiving physical therapy only. 

It revealed that compared with physical therapy alone, PIT plus physical therapy reduced pain and stiffness and restored functional capacity. 

This proves that the advantages of PIT encompass alleviating pain and stiffness while simultaneously enhancing functional capacity.

Take the Next Step Towards Pain Relief

Imagine finally finding relief from your chronic pain and regaining the ability to enjoy your favorite activities without discomfort. 

Perineural Injection Therapy can help make this dream a reality. If you’re tired of living with chronic pain and seeking an innovative, scientifically supported treatment, it’s time to consider PIT.

Schedule your consultation!

Schedule a Consultation for PIT at aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) is a powerful solution for those struggling with chronic pain, nerve inflammation, neuralgia, and nerve compression. 

Backed by scientific research and offering a targeted, non-invasive approach, PIT is a promising option for those seeking effective pain management. 

Don’t let chronic pain hold you back any longer. Schedule a consultation with our experienced team at aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness Med Spa Clinic today and discover the life-changing benefits of Perineural Injection Therapy. Your journey to pain relief starts here.
